The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.
- Coretta Scott King

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Christmas 2020
For the Children
While we are unable to do our "normal" Christmas activities, we still want to help you celebrate. So this year, instead of Messy Christmas on Christmas Eve we are providing Children's Activity Packs for children of primary school age.
These can be collected from The Bridge Centre between Monday 14th and Friday 18th December.The packs contain crafts, activities, puzzles, stories and information so that you can join in our "in search of Christmas" trail.
Carol Singing
Every other year, we would invite you to join us to sing carols around the Christmas tree outside The Bridge Centre on Christmas Eve. As this is not possible this year, we are bringing the carols to you. We will be following a route through the village of Smithy Bridge with the brass band and we invite you to join us from your doorstep as we sing. A carol sheet can be downloaded below to help you with the words and the route we plan to take is also shown. We will be setting off at 6pm from The Bridge Centre.

Carol Sheet
Carol Singing Route - 21.12.20
Light Up 2020
Not being able to run a Light Party/Pumpkin Heroes party this year, the Bridge Centre wanted to bring you some activities that you can spread out over the half term week in the run up to when the Party would have been held.
We want you use, adapt and expand these activities and have fun finding out about different forms of light.
We have also set up a Facebook Group called Light Up 2020 where we would love to see photos of what you have done using our Activity Pack as a starting point.
Have Fun! Enjoy!
Day 1 - Creation of Light
Day 2 - Fire
Day 3 - Rainbows
Day 4 - Stars
Day 5 - How we can be light - Be Kind

Remembrance Day 2020
This year, we would like to invite you to join in our window display for Remembrance Day.
Open and print the poppy wreath picture and follow the instructions.
Make sure we have your completed wreaths back at The Bridge Centre by Friday 6th November so that we can include them in our display.
Poppy Wreath Picture


Easter Sunday is a day to celebrate - listen to the story to find out why...

Guess where the Easter chick is around the village of Smithy Bridge and email your answers to for a chance to win a prize

Learn about the Easter Story...

Hear an Easter Song...

Weekly Online Services
During the Coronavirus pandemic Smithy Bridge Methodist Church and the Bridge Centre are trying to find new ways of being church in our local community.
One of the resources we are offering is a weekly written service via a newsletter with links to a YouTube message and songs that you can listen to and reflect on or join in with.
Please click on the links for the week you would like to take part in.
Easter Sunday - 12th April 2020
Sunday 5th April 2020
Sunday 29th March 2020